무료 워크샵) 청소년/대학생을 위한 이력서 워크샵
by NACHIMBAN | 22.09.28 20:07 | 8,046 hit

청소년/대학생을 위한 이력서 작성 워크샵


Youth Nachimban (웹페이지: https://youthnachimban.com/) 에서 청소년과 대학생을 (high school, post-secondary students, recent graduates, etc.) 위한 이력서 워크샵을 개최합니다. 현재 part-time or full-time employment or internship을 준비하는 청소년/대학생분에게 많은 도움이 될 것입니다.


청소년/대학생을 위한 이력서 작성 무료 워크샵

일시: 10월 15일 토요일

시간: 오후 3 시 – 4시 30분

장소: Nicholls Family Library (inside the Westbrook LRT)

언어: 영어 (한국어 가능)

비용: 무료 (버스티켓 및 간식 제공 됩니다)


워크샵 신청방법: 자리가 제한되어 있으니 10월 8일 툐요일 까지 info@youthnachimban.com 으로 이메일을 주시거나 참가 신청서를 꼭 작성해 주세요.


참가 신청서 링크: https://forms.gle/K7MTHCXQ8mY2TLfq9


워크샵 내용

-       이력서 기본 양식

-       효과적인 이력서 작성 방법

-       핵심 키워드 사용법

-       One-on-one 이력서 피드백 및 리뷰




Youth Nachimban is holding an interactive in-person resume writing workshop. This workshop is free and open to any youth (high school, university/college student or recent graduate) who identifies as racialized. Immigrant/newcomer youth and international students are more than welcome to join.


Date: Saturday, October 15, 2022

Time: 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Location: Nicholls Family Library (up to 2 transit tickets provided by Youth Nachimban)


All materials, snacks and small gifts are provided to all participants. Workshop space is limited. To register, please fill out our registration form: https://forms.gle/K7MTHCXQ8mY2TLfq9 or email us directly at info@youthnachimban.com by October 8, 2022. 


Workshop Outline:

-       Introduction to resume conventions

-       step-by-step guidance on how to create a tailored resume

-       formatting tips and keywords to use

-       One-on-one and peer resume feedback

by 럭키라… 2022.09.28 20:07
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